"As a QuickBooks Certified ProAdvisor, we can manage complex business financials for any company in any industry or if your finance team just needs advanced guidance, we can give that too."

Let us do it!
Let us keep your books and records up to date using Quickbooks! It can not only save you time and frustration, it can also allow you to focus on what you do best, your business! Plus, with our significant business advisory experience, we have the ability to make your financials work for you, not just be a headache needed for taxes.
In-Depth Expertise
These days, understanding how to best use QuickBooks has grown into its own set of skills apart from traditional bookkeeping experience. Even the best bookkeeper must spend extra time getting to know how to use QuickBooks in order to enter all of the transactions most efficiently and accurately.
We've gathered our QuickBooks knowledge across multiple years, multiple versions, multiple companies, and multiple industries. We can take all of the great ideas we see at training conferences and apply them to help you get your accounting done more effectively.
Some of the ways we can help you make the most out of your QuickBooks software include:
Helping you choose the right version so you get started on the right foot
Installation, setup, and customization for your specific business needs
Training and support for you or your bookkeepers to save you valuable time and money
Data and file analysis and troubleshooting, in case you're experiencing problems
Customized reports to get you the business intelligence you need
Add-ons and upgrades, in case you need more functionality

Costly QuickBooks Mistakes
Although QuickBooks is popular because it can be used by small business owners and bookkeepers who have little or no accounting experience, there is still a learning curve and a chance that some entries may not be entered correctly. Here are a few of the telltale signs where we can likely save you time, money, and headaches:
If you have account balances or financial statements that don't make sense.
If your CPA or tax preparer says your file needs to be cleaned up before they can do your taxes, and you don't know what to do.
If your file runs slow or displays error messages frequently.
If your statements are out of balance.
If you can't get the reports you need to make good business decisions.
If you cannot get your accounts to reconcile.
If you frequently call the support line at Intuit.
If your bookkeeping is taking you longer than you think it should.
If your reports show items you know have already been paid or received.
And many more.
There's a long list of trouble spots that can occur in QuickBooks, and you're not alone if you're having challenges. That's why we offer a data file analysis when you first come to us. That gives both of us a list of action items that we can work from to help you locate trouble spots, get them corrected, and get your bookkeepers trained to enter the data correctly and keep it clean.
Do it Yourself (DIY)
When it comes down to it, most people end up letting us do it for them, but if you're a do-it-yourselfer, there are many ways to learn QuickBooks:
You can purchase a book.
You can take a course.
You can hire us for one-on-one customized training.
You can wing it and try to figure it out on your own.
In most cases, trying to learn it on your own, ends up costing you more in the long-run.
By far, the most time- and cost-effective way to learn QuickBooks is to hire a QuickBooks trainer that is certified in the software. And that's what we do.
With our QuickBooks knowledge, gathered across multiple years, multiple versions, multiple companies, and multiple industries, we'll help you speed through your learning curve so you can be productive fast.
We can tailor a training session to your exact needs. We won't spend time on what you already know; we'll cover the gaps you need filled in to help you use the software in the most effective and efficient way for your business.

Will Travel
We can come to your office (within 100 miles) and sit with you as you learn the software.
Or we can avoid the travel expenses, log in to your computer remotely so we can see the screen as you type, and provide a remote training session that is just as customized as the one we'd conduct at your office. Technology is amazing, and will help you keep your training costs low.
Hire an Expert
Whether we do it all or help you and your team stay on track, having Eddleman Accounting on board will save your organization time and money. Ultimately, this helps you not only understand what the true bottom line is, but also helps you add to it.

Complimentary Consultation
Give us a call at 731-554-2408 or email us at info@eddleman.biz to find out more or to set up your complimentary consultation.