Have you heard these 5 money myths?

5 Money Myths

Has anyone ever made an unfair assumption about your money habits? Was that assumption based on how old you are?  People often look for patterns and trends when it comes to spending and saving, but in reality, your financial approach probably isn’t based on age or decade alone. What do you think? Do these common…

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5 Finance Related Podcasts Worth a Download


Listen and Learn: Financial Podcasts One common trait among the highly successful is their endless drive to improve and learn. Take a page from their book during your downtime this holiday season by feeding your curiosity and keeping your mind engaged. Make space on your digital device for some of these popular finance-focused podcasts: National…

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Orderly Savings

Depending upon your circumstances and everyone’s is different, the order that you prioritize for investing may vary. However, in general most people should prioritize investing for the short-term and then the long-term. Short-term investing, which I prefer to call savings, is most commonly for an emergency fund. An emergency fund is basically a small accumulation…

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Understanding Investment Risk

When it comes to investment risk, two facts are true for everyone! Everyone takes investment risk, but risk doesn’t necessarily mean additional return. You might be saying to yourself either, “I don’t take investment risk,” or  “I like risk, it means more return.” Well, I’m sorry to say it, but if you are either person,…

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